Time flies, especially when we want to fly higher. CASTIS expanded its areas with its expertise and pioneered technology. Let’s look back at 2024 and look forward to achieving more in 2025.
More Agility and more cloud
In 2024, more legacy on-premise telecom infrastructure was virtualized using Kubernetes (k8s). With this shift to virtualization, containerized services, now logically isolated, have become more efficient and reliable in operation. This also enables limitless scalability by integrating with external public cloud services. Through CASTIS, KT successfully implemented a monitoring and control system for its virtualized CDN infrastructure, allowing it to track the status of the entire service and prevent potential system failures.
More Manageabilities over SaaS
In parallel, KT Cloud partnered with CASTIS to develop a management system for its cloud CDN service. The goal was to enhance usability for its customers, and CASTIS won the contract by leveraging its extensive experience in developing and managing nationwide CDN infrastructures and media platforms. Beyond CDN services, CASTIS has upgraded multiple back-office and management solutions including CMS to better align with customers’ evolving business needs.
Faster on FAST with CASTIS
CASTIS has successfully launched its B2B SaaS platform for FAST (Free Ad-supported Streaming TV) services, starting with the "LG Channels" service. The platform provides efficient management of FAST channels and content, as well as visibility into advertising campaigns. CASTIS collaborated with LGE and LGU+ to develop this FAST platform, which is currently integrated into the LG smart TV ecosystem. And the service plans to expand further by adding the screens to other areas such as smart cars.
Engaged and entertained with AI
In the era of “connected”, CASTIS found the key to successful service is “engagement”. In many industry sectors, AI brings efficiency to save human resources. However, CASTIS adopted AI to build ‘Rapport’ by communicating with virtual Idol. CASTIS created virtual models combined with preferred images from target groups or virtual idols interacting with global fans 24/7.
CASTIS sincerely thanks you for the support and interest you've given in 2024.
As we look ahead to 2025, let CASTIS be your trusted company on this exciting journey.
For more information, contact APAC sales. sales@castis.asia